Tuesday, September 29, 2009


I woke up to 5 degrees this morning. It was wet and cold. So miserable even a bed and breakfast laid infront of me won't wake my lazy bones.

I didn't want to go to work, didn't want to do anything but sleep. And to think that winter is well and over... I'm wrong.

Procrastinated for a wee bit. Well considering yesterday was a public holiday, I'm actually quite proud I made it into work this morning.

Anyways onto a chirpier note! Here are some photos of my recent trip to Darwin...

Perth to Darwin on Virgin Blue

Feeding fishes at Aquascene!

ice cold beer and Thai seasoned mussels.. YUM!

approx 6 metre croc!

Aunty and Uncle's shot with a baby croc

Baby crocs with big appetites... there were hundreds of them overlapping each other!

Sunset at Mindil Beach

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