Friday, April 24, 2009

Godma Misses You

Ava is a very clever and cheeky girl. I miss her dearly...
I dont care how many kicks or punches she throws at me in the middle of the night. I still love her... in fact I love her even more for doing that!
I will not forget THAT night... the night she gave a soft and sweet little peck while I was semi asleep!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Sam Fam

Its been a while since the family got together for a decent meal. Frequent mia offenders tend to be either me or my sis. FINALLY after 5 years! :)

Yes the ladies love to act cute!

Dad and Mum took us to dinner to Long Beach at Dempsey… I was so satisfied that night cos I got to eat my favourite Black Peppercrabs! The sauce was damn shiok… I'm salivating as we speak...

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

C'mon bake it!

I've been drinking green tea every night as of late. Hence an idea came to mind.. well why not bake a Green Tea cake? Sounds like a brilliant and adventurous one.

I googled on Green Tea cake recipes and decided on this one! Ingredients are simple, and perfect for a lau ya baker like me :)

To my surprise, it looked and tested better than I thought! All these years my cakes have always turned out rather sad. Its either too sweet or too hard, and sometimes utterly inedible.

However this time, I was very proud of myself la.. So proud I had the 'cheek' to share them with my colleagues!

Mixing the lot!

Waiting for the baking powder to do its magic... Rise, cake to rise!

Now for the fun part - flip it!

Placing them into individual wraps, ribbons on, and labelling...

Finished product

The worst part... washing!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Sauce of Serenade!

Thank you Yeemah! Finally... I am now the proud owner of a Bulgogi sauce!

Monday, April 6, 2009

My Poor Bunny :(

Work has been good so far except some prick broke my bunny's ears! It is a very precious Easter gift from a colleague. My heart broke the moment I saw her sitting on my officedesk with both her ears neatly placed next to her...

Eagles played against Port yesterday at Subi. We were seated at the so-called 'moshpits' of an AFL game so you can rightly assume its the portion where all the action happens… I am just glad I didn’t get hit by the ball.