After hitting its driest autumns on record, Perth finally gets its fair of rain today. Correction, an ocean-sized share of rain!
Emergency alerts were sent out yesterday as storms and heavy rain blackouts 60 000 homes in Perth. Even worse, such dreadful weather conditions are set to continue through the week. After this stormy episode is over, it will start to get cold. And I mean teeth-clapping cold *shudders*
On to a "warmer" topic… I baked Condensed Milk Muffins last night!

Recall the White Rabbit creamy candies we used to eat when you were a kid?

Well these muffins tasted similar! Soft in texture, yummy, and best of all its made up of very basic ingredients! Great for morning or afternoon tea - serve with a cup of warm "korsong" (no sugar no milk) milo... yum.
Some very unglam p-jay photos of the baking process...

Getting the right portions are the key!

cleaning & watching the very ganjiong American Idol finals

c'mon you can do it - rise!

trying really hard to find pleasure in washing...