I was admiring my Ava Calendar a couple of days ago and it suddenly struck me that it's August already. More than half a year has gone by and even though it has not been a fab year, it has certainly been a good year. A couple of setbacks but thankfully no major upsets.
Looking back, its been 8 years since I left Spore for Perth. 8 years is a long time and I've friends popping questions somewhere along the lines of "how did you get the courage to live away from home for this long?" Well the answer is simple - I wouldn’t have had the will to do so if not for the love and support from my family and friends.
I am very fortunate to be bless with a family, a complete one. I've a handsome Dad who never fails to give his absolute best for his children. A beautiful Mum who always puts her childrens' interests in front of hers. Siblings who love me like no other although I'm real pain in the bum.
And then there's my beloved God Daughter. She's smart (papi's side), gorgeous (mami's side), and obedient (godma's side?)! I miss her so much I still remember how she smells…
I've a super cool cousin too. We hid in Mandarin Hotel's cupboards, bought tonnes of Top of the Pop magazines, played 'pattern ball', and theres the one thing we have in common - we LOVE Japanese food!
I don’t think I need to mention any names (I'm sure she knows who she is!). We've been good friends for more than a decade. We studied at Holland V together, saw shooting stars on the top deck of PV's carpark, and backed each other up when we sober over silly secondary school crushes.. We even carried the same bag to school just that hers was red and mine was blue.
This entry would be incomplete without mentioning the two most important males in Perth - my beloved Bf and our son Iggy. Iggy may be getting old but trust me, he has never been so sharp and agile! A bit like Benjamin Button. Just a couple of days ago, he was frantically hopping around D's feet! This is exactly how rabbits show their affection - twirling around people's feet! D and I couldn’t believe our eyes… Three of us are like a unit. As tight as.
Hey need I say more? I am proud to be alive, be loved, and be pampered by the loveliest people in the world!