Been trying my hardest to sit still and blog. Unfortunately time and time again I sidetrack. I end up you-tubing, face-booking, or reading people's blogs instead of updating my own.
Apart from my baking adventures, life is its same old. Nothing out of the ordinary. Work has its bouts of busy periods but I like it. Busy is good cos time passes quicker. Well, seemingly.
The pesticide guy came to our house for inspection on Friday. The house gets a yearly inspection for any signs of roaches, spiders, and other creepy crawlies. After the inspection, the guy revealed that there were just a few spider webs in the roof. No nests or any sorta major crap to be alarmed of. Thank goodness...
Anyways, on to some shots of my baking adventure. I baked your everyday Dark Chocolate Chip Cookies...
Ready to be shipped to work! Now for the "fun" part. WASHING UP!
Scrubba dubdub... busy scrubbing all the dirt and grime!
Dont worry dear, my hands are clean :)