Because she...1. misses her family
2. misses her friends
3. misses eating
sashimi and chatting with her favourite cousin
4. can conveniently walk to any hawker center or food court to eat
popiah for less than $2
5. can hangout late and feel safe
6. misses eating white/black cod at Serenade
7. loves playing connect4 with R
ie & D
rexel8. has her mum to tuck her into bed every night
9. loves Spore public transport
10. reckons S
pore has everything (well almost)
11. gets to indulge in
Godiva chocolate
12. can walk into any hair salon and feel confident that any hairstylist will do a good job
13. loves walking home from J
elita14. enjoys eating breakfast and reading the New Paper at the same time
15. misses hanging out at
Jurong Pt, Holland V,
Clementi, Orchard, and
Ghim MohSpore oh Spore... I miss you!