Monday, December 7, 2009
18 sleeps away!
Government businesses are slowing down. On the flipside people in sales are in for longer trading hours.
I'll be on leave from 12 to 20 December. Not entirely sure what I'll be doing though. Will probably be busy prepping for Christmas.
Then another lot of leave from 25 Dec to 2 Jan of which I'll be in Spore happily playing with my beautiful nieces!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
All you can EAT!
V will be heading back to Miri for good tomorrow so we decided to take him to Buffet King at Melville. We enjoyed unlimited serves of laksa, chicken rice, honey chicken wings, steamed prawns, eggs and tofu, sago, fruit cake, and heaps more… All for just $16/person - that’s quite a steal.
One regret though, I skipped lunch. Bad bad strategy... I was sooo hungry by dinner I ate real fast… and then my tummy started to ache! Lesson learnt, never "lao tou" (never ever go on an empty stomach).
Friday, November 13, 2009
practice makes perfect
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Loving the LOT
Knocked off early today to collect my long waited Entertainment Values kit! It's basically a book filled with vouchers for a list of 1500 > restaurants, hotels, cafes, fun family attractions, leisure and retail in Perth. It was originally sold for $65 then reduced to $30 - couldn’t say no to that could I? :)
Speaking of retail… I got myself Artiste Professional's Stippling Brush at Priceline and I'm really happy with it. I've always wanted to get MAC's infamous stippling brush BUT I've always been a drugstore junkie. Don’t get me wrong - I think higher-end products are great and if I had massive pay I would pocket a handful of MAC, NARS and Bobbie Brown! Sadly I don't.
There are some really dodgy drugstore products out there but on the same note, I believe there are heaps of drugstore products that are just as good, or if not better than higher-end ones. They say "you pay for what you get", true but I reckon makeup is an exception.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Kid for a Day!
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
I didn't want to go to work, didn't want to do anything but sleep. And to think that winter is well and over... I'm wrong.
Procrastinated for a wee bit. Well considering yesterday was a public holiday, I'm actually quite proud I made it into work this morning.
Anyways onto a chirpier note! Here are some photos of my recent trip to Darwin...

Perth to Darwin on Virgin Blue
Feeding fishes at Aquascene!

ice cold beer and Thai seasoned mussels.. YUM!

approx 6 metre croc!

Aunty and Uncle's shot with a baby croc

Baby crocs with big appetites... there were hundreds of them overlapping each other!

Sunset at Mindil Beach
Friday, September 18, 2009
"15 interesting facts about me" tag
I thought it was a quite a fun tag to do so here's mine.
I only managed to come up with 15. Was already struggling at 10! Well Im clearly not an interesting person am I.
1. wake up at 5am everyday even on weekends
2. snap when anyone messes up the house
3. don't like/eat rice
4. go grocery shopping everyday
5. must have a piece of dark chocolate every night before I go to bed
6. only stopped drinking from a milkbottle at the age of 7
7. love long walks - the longer the better!
8. can't leave the house without a hand-sanitizer
9. wear super XL tees and baggy berms to bed. Very unglam but comfort is more important!
10. have phobia of aircraft landing
11. am as blind as a bat. Both my eyes records a staggering 4.75.
12. love eating Milo from the tin
13. had 2 precious terrapins who died on the same day. Ironically enough their names were Romeo and Juliet.
14. have a leg that's almost an inch longer than the other
15. had the longest hair back in high school. Believe it or not….a classmate of mine forgot to bring a thread for his Geography test. He pleaded to lend him a strand of hair and so I did. What made me crack was after the test, he returned it to me and thanked me like no other.. I was made God for a day.
I tag… only if feel like doing :)
and everyone who wishes to do this tag!